No busy waiting rooms, no frustrating car rides, and no scary exams rooms: Mobile Vet comes to YOU, eliminating the stress of a typical veterinary visit by allowing your pet to remain in a safe, familiar environment.

What we do

Here are just some of the things that we offer at Mobile Vet, all done from the comfort of your own home:

  • Well-check visits
  • Beginning puppy/kitten vaccination series
  • Booster vaccines
  • Emergencies
  • Neutering
  • In-home, compassionate euthanasia
  • Medicated baths
  • Nail, wing, and beak trimming
  • Administration of medications
  • Blood, urine, and fecal analysis
  • Hospice care

Please call our office at 818-242-5576 if you have any questions about the services we can provide; we’d be happy to answer them for you!

Hours and appointments

The Mobile Vet Office is open 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday to set appointments and answer questions. The doctor and technicians work from 6 am to 9 am processing laboratory samples, medical records and prescriptions. We perform house calls from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday.

If you’re a first time client, we’ll get some basic information from you on the phone about your pet and yourself, and set up an appointment for the doctor to come out and see you. Appointments are created on a first come, first served basis. You will need to schedule your house call on a day which you are available all day. This allows the doctor to fit in any emergencies that may arise during the course of the day.

Many people have time constraints, emergencies or personal time conflicts. Please let us know any such times that your are not available the day of your house call, at the time you set your house call. If we can work around your schedule, we will. Emergency and limited schedule appointments do not qualify for the discounted house call rates of people who are available all day. Factoring in traffic, which is always unpredictable in the LA area, and any emergencies that we need to see, we try our best of fit in as many house calls as possible into the Doctor’s twelve hour day. You may request a call when the doctor is on his way to see you, which will give you a 10-15 minute head’s up that we’re on our way.


We usually park in a client’s driveway or on the street. If you have any special parking restrictions in your area or advice on where we should park, please let us know when you call to set your appointment.

At the housecall

When we arrive at your home, Dr. Cauble will go over any current issues with you and begin the examination. If you’re a new client, you’ll be asked to fill out our new client form. Please feel free to print it out ahead of time and have it ready at the housecall!

The doctor likes to work with patients in an area of the home where they’re most comfortable. Oftentimes, this can mean a kitchen floor, bedroom corner, or even in the backyard. The doctor and his assistant will be able to gently restrain pets in their favorite area as needed, sometimes using towels to help relax nervous cats or birds. Occasionally we may have to muzzle aggressive dogs, but we only ever use the very minimum restraint necessary, and always with the patient’s best interests in mind. While we love having pet parents present at the visit, we do ask that owners don’t directly handle their pets during exams and procedures for their own safety and their pet’s as well.

Diagnostic samples, treatments, vaccines and even minor surgeries can be administered in the home. Our truck is fully stocked with any medications and supplies we may need at the housecall, and we can dispense some prescriptions on the spot.

Payment and aftercare

After we’ve finished the exam, we’ll clean up, ready any prescriptions necessary, and prepare the invoice on the spot. Doctor Cauble will review treatment plans, aftercare instructions, and make sure that all of your questions are answered before we leave. Recheck appointments can also be set at this time if necessary.

Payment is due at the time services are rendered, and we accept personal checks, cash (ask about our 5% cash discount!), and most major credit cards.

Please call us in the office at 818-242-5576 to make your appointment today!